
GrillGrateGrillGrate, a USA company based in Cartersville, GA, reinvented and upgraded BBQ grates to fit every BBQ models. Whether you own a gas, charcoal, pellet, or electric grill, if you're looking to ratchet up your grilling technique, this product is something you'll need in your grilling arsenal! GrillGrate promises food cooked to perfection: moister ribs, juicier steaks, and more flavorful seafood!

Consider upgrading or replacing the cooking surface on your grill. GrillGrate also works installed on top of existing grilling surfaces. In addition, many people with gas grills are finding that replacing the old cooking surface is a fantastic way to improve the outcome and enjoyment of your meal!

GrillGrate has solved a problem that has plagued backyard Grill Masters for years. Now, thanks to the G-O-G (Grill Obsessed Group) at GrillGrate, there is no more uneven heat and no more over- or undercooked food with bland results. You'll have a hard time keeping friends and extended family away at mealtimes!

So, what does a set of GrillGrate really do that the standard cooking surface on your grill can't do?

A huge difference between GrillGrate and a conventional grilling surface can be described as the "sizzle effect". In open fire grilling, much of the flavor is lost as the fatty juices drip and often cause flare-ups. This usually leads to charred, dried-out and often burned meats. With GrillGrate, these juices are steamed and boiled and the resulting flavor is out of this world!

GrillGrate will sear and sizzle foods significantly better than traditional grilling surfaces. And GrillGrate eliminate charring, accentuate searing, and create mouth-watering results!

GrillGrate trap heat and run hotter. The GrillGrate surface cooking temperature will be 100 - 200˚ F hotter than the air temperature in the appliance. How so? GrillGrate are made of hard, anodized aluminum, a fantastic material for transferring heat. Just be careful during those first meals and watch your cooking temperatures. In no time, your BBQing will be legendary!

We think this innovative company is amazing! They're honest and open about their products and the materials used in production. They value their team in Georgia as well as every single customer. GrillGrate is so confident in its product that it has a "no questions asked" satisfaction guarantee policy. If you don't like your GrillGrate for any reason within 30 days, they can be returned. Awesome guarantee. Awesome product. Awesome company.