Cozy at Home: A Guide to Hygge Lighting and Paint Colors

The word Hygge originates from the old Norwegian language and translates roughly to well-being.

Today it's associated with the Danish, who have embraced the concept since the end of the 18th century. But luckily you don't have to live in Denmark to enjoy this lifestyle.

Hygge is about embracing all things warm and cozy, however, in our fast-paced and stressful world, it can be hard to achieve those feelings of contentment. But all is not lost!

Everything around us influences the tone of our lives and how we feel, especially things like lighting and wall color. They may seem trivial, but by choosing the right hygge lighting or paint colors, you can make your home feel like a cozy escape from the world.

Keep reading for tips about how to make your home feel warm, cozy, and downright magical.

What Is Hygge?

Pronounced "hoo-gah", hygge is about slowing down and appreciating the little things. From a warm fire and cup of tea to a beautiful meal with your friends and family. It's a way that the Danish people keep in good spirits during the long, cold Scandinavian winters.

Although it's most associated with the cold months and with the Danish people, it's possible to find hygge at any time in any place.

Hygge Lighting Options

Using the best hygge lighting options can help to transport you from your home, wherever it may be, to a cozy cabin in the Scandinavian countryside.

The right lighting can impact our mood, and how we connect to each other. A big part of hygge is the relationships we have with our friends and family, and the right lighting helps to facilitate making deeper connections.

It's not as hard as you may think to achieve the right kind of lighting either. The first step is as simple as ensuring you're using warm lights.

Due to our natural circadian rhythm, warm lights help us to relax and feel at peace. They can help to maintain a calm and cozy atmosphere in the home.


There is little that is as hygge as the soft ambient glow of candlelight. Candles help to strengthen a feeling of warmth in a home, and if they're scented, the smells can help to transport you even further.

You can even amplify the effect of candlelight by choosing the right candle holder. Glass candle holders can help to boost the amount of light coming from the candles, which is good if you still need to be able to see relatively well.

There are also many patterned candle holders that can add an extra dreamy effect. The patterns will show on your walls, using light and shadows to create beautiful images.

Of course, it's important to keep safety in mind too. Using LED candles in areas that you're not able to monitor can keep the cozy effect, without the fire hazard.

If you're lucky, you may also have a fireplace that you can light. A fire has many of the same benefits as candlelight, simply on a larger scale, and has the added benefit of generating heat for your home. If you don't have a fireplace, electric fireplaces are a perfect add on to any room to enjoy a touch of hygge lighting. You can even use it in summer, as the heat and the look of the flames are controlled separately.

Cozy at Home_ A Guide to Hygge Lighting and Paint Colors - Candles

Use Table, Wall, and Floor Lighting

Instead of using overhead lighting, which is often harsh and anything but cozy, opt more for a mix of table, wall, and floor lamps.

These lighting options are much more likely to add warmth to your home and help you feel relaxed. By using a mix of lights in different areas, it works to add depth and contrast and helps to create a sense of wonder.

If you already have mostly overhead lighting, it will help if you add a dimmer switch. This will allow you to control how bright or dim the lighting is at any given time and help make overhead lighting less harsh.

Hygge Paint Colors

It's not something that most people actively think about, but the color of our walls impacts our mood in a big way.

Just as an artist chooses the right color to set the tone and mood of a work of art, you need to choose the best hygge paint colors to create that welcoming atmosphere in your home.

Warm Whites

White paint can help make smaller spaces feel bigger and provide a backdrop for other décor pieces to shine.

However, it's critical that you choose paint that is a warm white rather than a bright stark white. Bright white can make you feel even more anxious, and in this world that is the last thing anyone needs.

Warm whites, on the other hand, can help to make the room feel calm, clean, and relaxing. They also help to brighten up a room, which is important for those long, dark winter days.

Cozy at Home_ A Guide to Hygge Lighting and Paint Colors - a pale living room

Earth Tones

Earth tones include different neutral tones of browns, tans, and some greens, colors that are found in nature. These colors are very versatile and can easily be mixed and matched.

These colors help to promote the sense of being in nature and the peace that comes with it. They help to make you feel safe and secure and create an atmosphere that is warm and reassuring.

Create Your Ideal Hygge Escape

By choosing hygge lighting and paint color options, it can help to transform your home into an escape from the chaos of the world outside. Embrace the hygge lifestyle and live your best warm, cozy, magical life.

If you're interested in even more hygge lifestyle tips, subscribe to our email list today!

Below is a list of fireplace and grill stores that service Ohio (OH)

Erlanger, KY

TateBuilder's Supply, LLC
3511 Dixie Highway
Erlanger, KY 41018

TateBuilder's Supply, LLC LogoVisit Store Page

Canfield, OH

Youngstown Propane, Inc.
4445 Boardman-Canfield Rd.
Canfield, OH 44406

Youngstown Propane, Inc. LogoVisit Store Page

Canton, OH

624 8th Street NE
Canton, OH 44704

Columbus, OH

Blackburns Chimney Sweeps
4644 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43220

Columbus, OH

Aspen Fireplace & Patio
5156 Sinclair Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229

Aspen Fireplace & Patio LogoVisit Store Page

North Canton, OH

Custom Fireplace Shop
5537 Whipple Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720

Custom Fireplace Shop LogoVisit Store Page

North Ridgeville, OH

Heat Exchange Hearth & Patio Shoppe
34205 Lorain Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039

Heat Exchange Hearth & Patio Shoppe LogoVisit Store Page

North Royalton, OH

Country Stove Co.
6669 Royalton Road
North Royalton, OH 44133

Country Stove Co. LogoVisit Store Page

Painesville, OH

1270 Mentor Ave
Painesville, OH 44077

St. Henry, OH

Buschur's Refrigeration, Inc.
541 N Eastern Avenue
St. Henry, OH 45883

Buschur's Refrigeration, Inc. LogoVisit Store Page

For more information, contact your local fireplace and grill store..

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