Everything About Charcoal BBQing: Your Questions Answered

It seems a burning question on the interweb is all about charcoal BBQing, not about grills, accessories, recipes, etc. but about the charcoal itself. We are glad to edumacate you to make you learn stuff.

But first, a tiny bit of history (not super boring):

When gas grills started gaining popularity in the ’70s, charcoal grills began slowly fading into oblivion. Eventually, cooking with charcoal briquette on a portable hibachi became' uncool'!

Ambiance Kamado 25 Charcoal grill

Ambiance Kamado 25 Charcoal Grill

Fast forward to the 1990s, and charcoal BBQing began its renaissance. Due to some longing for the taste of their childhood. Then, the ‘Foodie’ culture began in earnest (not Ernest - he was a sad excuse of a cook anyway) and they were looking for new food ‘experiences’. Around the same time, new cooking appliances such as the Kamado style BBQ (like our Ambiance Modell XX  and improvements on the tried-and-true kettle-style, the barrel style, portable and outdoor kitchen built-in, and more, began to enter the market.

Finally, (that blessed word!) charcoal itself began to evolve, with consumers facing myriad choices of briquettes (some self-lighting) and lump charcoal from various hardwood species.

Without further ado, let’s plunge into this hot topic.

Is Charcoal BBQing Better Than Gas?

Yes and no…

Oh, you want more? Please read through the following pros and cons of each appliance. Before your twitching fingers can start texting me a devastating counterargument for each of those, please read to the conclusion. Feel free to provide us with more Pros and Cons if we missed any.

Gas Pros:

  • Convenience – Easy to light and control
  • Gas fuel might be cheaper than charcoal over the long run
  • Excels at high-temperature cooking (searing steaks, for example)
  • Easier to control the temperature
  • Typically, better for cooking for large crowds

Charcoal Pros:

  • Provides a nice smoky flavor
  • Versatility – Can cook a steak at high temps or slow smoke
  • Can heat up faster than gas grills
  • Ashes can be used in your garden to provide needed minerals
  • Depending on the options, it can be more affordable
  • Also more affordable to maintain

Gas Cons:

  • It requires replacement parts (igniter, burner, etc.).
  • It doesn’t really impart flavor
  • Does not perform well if wanting to smoke meat
  • Typically not portable

Charcoal Cons:

  • Lengthy fire startup procedure
  • Charcoal can burn unevenly
  • Temperature control can be difficult
  • It can be messier and more difficult to clean

Conclusion: There are solutions for each of the cons above. Either a change in procedure or accessories would invalidate these points.

But… if we had to distill it to one thing, Charcoal provides a better taste and smoky flavor. On the other hand, if you are looking for convenience (ease of adjustment, cleaning, etc.), gas is likely to be your choice.

Why Does Charcoal BBQ Taste Better?

This is one thing gas grills can’t come close to: Wood smoke flavor.

Why is charcoal better? Let’s dispel some myths first. If you cook on high heat on a charcoal BBQ, it is very unlikely you will get all the benefits of the wood smoke taste in your food. The reason for this is that the high heat coming from the charcoal is burning most of the volatile compounds (wood smoke). So, unless you add some wood chips, most of the flavor will be imparted by meat drippings being vaporized on the hot coals, which is not a bad thing either.

However, the primary reason people use a charcoal BBQ is the ability to cook ‘Low n Slow.’ Ribs, Beer Can Chicken, Smoked Salmon, Turkey, etc., the sky is the limit if you want to impart that wonderful smoky flavor.

Lower cooking temperatures allow your lump charcoal wood smoke to shine through. You can also add some hardwood chips or chunks to add additional smoke.

Wanna know how to do it? Please click on the following link to our ‘Low n Slow’ cooking articles series.

Ribs cook with coals and charcoal briquettes

How Is BBQ Charcoal Made?

Most people use lump or charcoal briquettes, so we’ll focus on each process as it is very different.

Lump Charcoal: This is typically made from leftovers from sawmills, furniture manufacturers, etc. It is then put into a large container and heated up to combustion temperatures, but since oxygen is restricted, it does not ignite. However, all the water and some volatile compounds are extracted. This process can take a day or more. An interesting note: if you ever bought a bottle of ‘liquid smoke,’ this is leftover from this process. Water vapor infused with wood smoke.

Charcoal Briquette: The same mill that processed lump charcoal is left with small pieces and charcoal dust that cannot be re-sold as is. They mix this dust with binders such as starch, then compress it into briquettes and bake to harden them up. Other manufacturers use sawdust from mixed wood from lumber mills. Once this sawdust is turned into charcoal, it is mixed with various additives.  This is then molded into their pillow shape.

Since briquette manufacturers do not provide a list of the binders' ingredients, some people are concerned about additives. Some brands have responded by offering ‘Natural Hardwood Briquette,” which contains no binders.

If you want to see an interesting video about the whole process, click on this YouTube video.

Is Charcoal BBQing Allowed in Parks or Public Spaces?

This is a highly recurring question on the Internet. For obvious reasons, you should check the answer with your local by-laws.

Besides checking with local authorities, common sense and safety should be foremost when handling combustible material in public.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has provided a valuable checklist to this effect: Grilling_safety_Tips.pdf (nfpa.org)

Finally, neighborliness should prevail if you are close to a crowd to ensure they don’t mind. Also, please be aware that younger children and others with respiratory diseases may be nearby. In such a case, you may need to reduce the smoke your grill produces.

Which Type Of Charcoal Is Best For BBQ?

Boy, this is a controversial question among BBQ aficionados. But looking at what the experts and pitmasters say, it doesn’t seem to matter that much. Both lump charcoal and briquettes have their pros and cons, as you can see below. After that, we will discuss whether a specific ‘brand’ makes a difference.

Lump Pros

  • Less processed – more ‘natural.’
  • No binders mean fewer ashes than briquette
  • Puts out more smoke than briquette
  • Has an unlimited shelf-life

Briquette Pros

  • Consistent – From bag to bag, the same amount of BTU
  • Longer and steadier burn
  • Environmentally friendly – made from recycled material

Lump Cons

  • The manufacturer may not list the species or provenance of their raw material
  • Foreign material could have crept in (Rocks, plastic, etc.)
  • Maybe more expensive than briquettes
  • It Burns faster than briquettes

Briquette Cons

  • If not a 100% Natural brand, it will contain fillers
  • Produce more ash than Lump charcoal
  • It takes longer to light
  • Most manufacturers do not list what fillers are added
  • Self-igniting match-light charcoal contains mineral spirits which can taint the food
  • It needs to be fully ignited to reduce off-taste
  • Has a limited shelf-life

Briquette VS LumpsWhile you might reasonably conclude that the purest and most professional pitmasters would always gravitate to lump charcoal, that is not always the case. Many pitmasters prefer briquettes for their consistency and long and steady burn. Since the' type' of charcoal has a more significant impact on the overall flavor than the ‘type’ of charcoal, pitmasters would rather spend their cooking efforts on food quality, ingredients, and others instead.

The original question was, “What type of charcoal is best for BBQ?” This could imply, “Which brand is best?” I am aware of only two sites that have done a comparative study on this, and their links are below.

This one by WireCutter The Best Charcoal for Grilling | Reviews by Wirecutter (nytimes.com) should be taken with a grain of salt. The title explains why. If you are ‘grilling’ (cooking at high temperature) versus BBQ’ing (cooking ‘Low n Slow’), this article may be helpful. Charcoal is rated on how hot it gets, how long it lasts, and how little ash it produces.

However, the worst charcoal I used was also one of the best for ‘Low n Slow’ cooking. It was darn near impossible to light and left an excessive amount of ashes. But it burned slow and steady without runaway heat or having to refill multiple times for BBQ ribs. So, it depends on what you are trying to achieve.

The following link, The Lump Charcoal Database -- Naked Whiz Charcoal Ceramic Cooking, actually tests and ratings various brands of charcoal. Which I find amazing. The only problem with this approach is, can a charcoal manufacturer control its raw material from one batch to another or year to year? So again, test yourself and go with what works for you.

Can BBQ Charcoal Go Bad?

Lump charcoal can last about forever as long as you keep it dry.

Briquettes are another story. They are made of binder, such as starch, and absorb moisture much easier than lump charcoal. Self-igniting charcoal has a year or two shelf life before the igniting chemicals evaporate.

What should you do if your charcoal becomes damp? You can lay either lump or briquettes out in the sun for a day. But if the briquettes easily crumble, you may as well get a new bag.

Can I Use BBQ Charcoal On My Gas Grill?

You shouldn’t, but you can.

Firstly, here is why you shouldn’t. Your grill will quickly fill with ashes, which may clog the nozzles of your burners. And, if you are like me and not prone to cleaning your BBQ after every use, the ashes can absorb moisture or, worse, get wet. This acidic mush will start eroding the bottom of your grill. This isn’t bad if you were trying to convince your spouse you needed a new grill anyway.

But if you have an old grill and the burners no longer work, you can remove all the old components and refit your grill into a BBQ. It's not ideal, but there are YouTube videos about this.

Why not head over to your WE LOVE FIRE local dealer instead? I am sure they have a charcoal BBQ that fits your budget. And, what’s best, they carry the latest in ‘hybrid’ BBQs, meaning they can burn both gas and charcoal. Some gas models come standard with a charcoal and smoker tray.

Napoleon Gaz Grill with Charcoal Pan

Napoleon Gaz Grill with Charcoal Pan

Is BBQ Charcoal Activated?

Surprisingly, this is an often-asked strange question. Those asking wonder if BBQ charcoal can be used for water purification or medicine.

Charcoal manufacturers activate it by using steam or hot air to erode its internal surface, which increases the outside surface area and adsorption rate—the capacity to bind materials to a surface. Because of those adsorption abilities, charcoal has earned a reputation as a bodily super-cleanser.

The medicinal use of activated charcoal is very specific, and no one should be eating the stuff by the spoonful. Or, you may have to do a quick dash to the ‘John’ (or so a ‘friend’ told me).

While there is no evidence of people dying from eating BBQ charcoal, we certainly do not recommend it. If you have health concerns, consult with your health practitioner.

Can I Use BBQ Charcoal To Filter Water / Air?

Charcoal specifically used for filtration is called Air, Water, or Vapor phase carbon. It is manufactured precisely to achieve the desired application.

Charcoal made for water purification is ‘activated.’

But in a pinch, you can use BBQ lump charcoal (not briquettes, as they may contain binders and chemicals). Here is how to do it.

How to make an Improvised Charcoal Water Filter:

  1. Use charcoal from a reputable source
  2. Crush your charcoal into small bits, from powder up to the size of aquarium gravel.
  3. Use a tall cylindrical container (taller is better than wider) and punch some small holes at the bottom.

You can pour water at the top, and the purified water will come out of the bottom. Don’t make the holes too big; you want the water to spend as much time as possible with the charcoal to filter the water.

In the 2nd charcoal article, we will cover the following topics:

How to:

  • What Is The Best Method To Light Charcoal?
  • How Long Will The BBQ Coals Be Ready?

Health Related

  • Is Charcoal BBQ Good Or Bad For You?


  • Is BBQ Charcoal Good For Orchids And Other Plants?
  • Can I Use BBQ Charcoal Ashes In The Garden?

Buying Advice

  • Where Can I Buy BBQ Charcoal?


  • How to Charcoal BBQ Ribs
  • How to Charcoal BBQ Steak
  • How to Charcoal BBQ Chicken
  • Charcoal BBQ Beer Can Chicken
  • Etc.

Below is a list of fireplace and grill stores that service Ohio (OH)

Erlanger, KY

TateBuilder's Supply, LLC
3511 Dixie Highway
Erlanger, KY 41018

TateBuilder's Supply, LLC LogoVisit Store Page

Columbus, OH

Blackburns Chimney Sweeps
4644 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43220

Columbus, OH

Aspen Fireplace & Patio
5156 Sinclair Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229

Aspen Fireplace & Patio LogoVisit Store Page

North Canton, OH

Custom Fireplace Shop
5537 Whipple Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720

Custom Fireplace Shop LogoVisit Store Page

North Ridgeville, OH

Heat Exchange Hearth & Patio Shoppe
34205 Lorain Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039

Heat Exchange Hearth & Patio Shoppe LogoVisit Store Page

North Royalton, OH

Country Stove Co.
6669 Royalton Road
North Royalton, OH 44133

Country Stove Co. LogoVisit Store Page

Painesville, OH

American Home and Energy Products Inc.
1270 Mentor Ave
Painesville, OH 44077

St. Henry, OH

Buschur's Refrigeration, Inc.
541 N Eastern Avenue
St. Henry, OH 45883

Buschur's Refrigeration, Inc. LogoVisit Store Page

For more information, contact your local fireplace and grill store.

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