What’s the best way to store the wood pellets?

First and foremost:  Keep ‘em dry!  And, preferably inside the garage, shed, basement or utility room if you can.  Pellets can be purchased in bulk, but most customers buy pellets in convenient 40 lb. bags.  Dealers will sell individual bags, but as a homeowner your best value is to purchase pellets by the ton.  That is fifty, 40 lb. bags shrink-wrapped on a 4’ x 4’ pallet.  If you’re serious about heating your home and making your conventional furnace work a lot less, plan to buy 2, or 3, or 4 tons of pellets, depending on how cold your winter’s can be.  For three tons of pellets, plan to use a space approximately 6’ wide x 6’ deep x 6’ high.  This is considerably less space than a season’s worth of cordwood would require!

Below is a list of fireplace and grill stores that service Ohio (OH)

Erlanger, KY

TateBuilder's Supply, LLC
3511 Dixie Highway
Erlanger, KY 41018

TateBuilder's Supply, LLC LogoVisit Store Page

Columbus, OH

Blackburns Chimney Sweeps
4644 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43220

Columbus, OH

Aspen Fireplace & Patio
5156 Sinclair Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229

Aspen Fireplace & Patio LogoVisit Store Page

North Canton, OH

Custom Fireplace Shop
5537 Whipple Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720

Custom Fireplace Shop LogoVisit Store Page

North Ridgeville, OH

Heat Exchange Hearth & Patio Shoppe
34205 Lorain Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039

Heat Exchange Hearth & Patio Shoppe LogoVisit Store Page

North Royalton, OH

Country Stove Co.
6669 Royalton Road
North Royalton, OH 44133

Country Stove Co. LogoVisit Store Page

Painesville, OH

American Home and Energy Products Inc.
1270 Mentor Ave
Painesville, OH 44077

St. Henry, OH

Buschur's Refrigeration, Inc.
541 N Eastern Avenue
St. Henry, OH 45883

Buschur's Refrigeration, Inc. LogoVisit Store Page

For more information, contact your local fireplace and grill store.

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