It’s called a “wood” burning stove for a reason! The only thing to burn in your stove is: wood! Yes, use a few wads of newspaper to get kindling going from a cold start, but never burn the following in your wood stove:
- pressure treated lumber
- particleboard
- plywood or chipboard
- wood with nails or screws
- dryer lint
- driftwood
- painted lumber
- garbage, or trash
- Christmas trees or pine boughs
- plastics
- cardboard or paper with colored print
- any cordwood that has not been properly seasoned
The species of wood isn’t nearly as important as ensuring the wood is dry. Cut it, split it, stack it, protect it from rain and snow, and leave it for a year! Use a moisture meter to make sure the wood has <25% moisture content.
Erlanger, KYTateBuilder's Supply, LLC 3511 Dixie Highway Erlanger, KY 41018 |  | Visit Store Page |
Columbus, OHBlackburns Chimney Sweeps 4644 Kenny Road Columbus, OH 43220 | | |
Columbus, OHAspen Fireplace & Patio 5156 Sinclair Rd. Columbus, OH 43229 |  | Visit Store Page |
North Canton, OHCustom Fireplace Shop 5537 Whipple Ave NW North Canton, OH 44720 |  | Visit Store Page |
North Ridgeville, OHHeat Exchange Hearth & Patio Shoppe 34205 Lorain Road North Ridgeville, OH 44039 |  | Visit Store Page |
North Royalton, OHCountry Stove Co. 6669 Royalton Road North Royalton, OH 44133 |  | Visit Store Page |
Painesville, OHAmerican Home and Energy Products Inc. 1270 Mentor Ave Painesville, OH 44077 | | |
St. Henry, OHBuschur's Refrigeration, Inc. 541 N Eastern Avenue St. Henry, OH 45883 |  | Visit Store Page |